What is the value of being an Employer Partner of Montana Technological University?

The Career Services Employer Partnership Program will create strong brand recognition of your organization with the students and faculty of Montana Tech.  You will form a sustainable pipeline of diverse talent that will benefit your organization's recruiting needs.

What does the partnership include?

The Montana Tech Career Services Employer Partnership Program has levels that are tailored to meet your unique branding and recruitment needs.  Each level is designed to provide a strategic recruiting advantage for your organization via specialized events and targeted outreach across multiple media outlets.

Why should your organization become a partner?

Montana Tech has outstanding students who are well prepared for exceptional careers with your organization.  They are collaborative problem solvers looking for the right opportunity to make an impact in their profession and the world.  The Montana Tech Career Services Employer Partnership Program connects you with valuable human resources that could be transformative for your organization.

All partnerships are accepted on an open enrollment basis and extend for a 12-month period.  For information on how your company can become a partner, please email careerservices@zishu86.com or call Montana Tech Career Services at 406-496-4140.

Select the level of your support:




Platinum Partner $10,000

Recruiting Advantage

  • Organization name recognition on Career Services website
  • Recognition as a sponsor at all large-scale campus-wide career events
  • Organization LOGO and NAME featured on digital displays
  • Promotion of jobs and/or internships on social media outlets
  • Full page ad in career & internship fair guides
  • Promote “A Day in the Life…” with alumni from the company
  • Recording of up to five Interview Questions for students to practice in StandOut

Events Benefits

  • Advance invitations to career fairs, special programs, and workshops
  • Advanced registration for Fall & Spring On-campus Interviewing
  • Additional complimentary parking permits for Career Services recruiting events of your choice
  • Complimentary Open Houses/Coffee Talks – mobile coffee or food truck for students with company-branded material and facts about the organization
  • Speakers Bureau – Priority invitations to participate in special guest speaker events, career development panels, industry networking events, and workshops
  • Provide a 30-minute presentation to Career Services regarding company, recruiting targets, and goals
  • Luncheon with Montana Tech faculty and/or staff (max 7 guests)
  • Complimentary use of a centralized location in the Student Union for one event per year
  • Complimentary registration for all in-person or virtual career fairs (Platinum Partners receive up to 2 virtual booths or tables at all career fairs free of charge)
  • Career Fair Video Introduction

Outreach Benefits

  • Direct email blasts (up to 8) to Students and Recent Graduates regarding open positions
  • Year-round access to Resume Book
  • EMPLOYER SPOTLIGHT: The entire week will be about your organization. Career Services promotes your organization through printed collateral, email blasts, and tabling opportunities in a strategic location (once per semester, excluding career fair weeks)
  • Company recruiting-related events featured on social media outlets
  • A customized “Company Day” career program, hiring event, or branding event
  • Internship consulting and campus recruiting strategy
  • Employer Brand Messaging Consultation
  • Customize connections with student organizations
  • Diversity recruitment campus strategy
  • Career Services Employer Advisory Board membership

Thank you Nucor Steel and Washington L&I! Our Silver Level Employer Partners!


Nucor Steel
Washington L&I

Silver Partner $6,000

Recruiting Advantage

  • Organization NAME recognition on Career Services website
  • Recognition as a sponsor at all large-scale campus-wide career events
  • Organization LOGO and NAME featured on digital displays
  • Promotion of jobs and/or internships on social media outlets
  • Half-page ad & LOGO in career & internship fair guides
  • Record up to three interview questions for students to practice in StandOut Software

Events Benefits

  • Advanced invitations to career fairs, special programs, and workshops
  • Advanced registration for Fall & Spring On-campus Interviewing
  • Additional complimentary parking permits for Career Services recruiting events of your choice
  • Two Complimentary Info Sessions/Open Houses/Coffee Talks per academic year
  • Speakers Bureau – Priority invitations to participate in guest speaker events, career development panels, industry networking events, and workshops
  • Provide a 30-minute presentation to Career Services regarding company, recruiting targets, and goals
  • Complimentary use of a centralized location in the Student Union for one event per year
  • Complimentary registration for two in-person or virtual career fairs (first virtual booth or table is free, any additional virtual booths or tables – ½ off!)

Outreach Benefits

  • Direct email blasts (up to 6) to Students and Recent Graduates regarding open positions
  • Year-round access to Resume Book
  • Company recruiting-related events featured on social media outlets
  • Internship consulting and campus recruiting strategy
  • Employer Brand Messaging Consultation
  • Customize connections with student organizations

Thank you Chevron! Our Copper Level Employer Partner!


Copper Partner $3,000

Recruiting Advantage

  • Organization NAME recognition on Career Services website
  • Recognition as a sponsor at all large-scale campus-wide career events
  • Organization LOGO and NAME featured on digital displays
  • Promotion of jobs and/or internships on social media outlets
  • Half-page ad in career & internship fair guides
  • Recording of one interview question for students to practice in StandOut

Events Benefits

  • Advanced invitations to career fairs, special programs, and workshops
  • Advanced registration for Fall & Spring On-campus Interviewing
  • Additional complimentary parking permits for Career Services recruiting events of your choice
  • One Complimentary Info Session/Open House/Coffee Talk per academic year
  • Complimentary use of a centralized location in the Student Union for one event per year
  • Complimentary registration for one in-person or virtual career fair (first virtual booth or table is free, any additional virtual booths or tables – regular fee will apply)

Outreach Benefits

  • Direct email blasts (up to 4) to Students and Recent Graduates regarding open positions
  • Internship consulting and campus recruiting strategy
  • Employer Brand Messaging Consultation