
College is expensive. Our admission specialists work with you to make sure you get every possible credit for exams taken or learning experience you have had prior to attending Montana Tech. Students seeking credit for standardized tests must submit official test scores to the Admissions team. 考试成绩标准见下文. 可接受的测试包括:



Montana Tech will generally accept the 大学先修课程(AP) Examination from The College Board for transfer credit if the student has scored at least 3 or above on the appropriate AP examination and if an official score sheet has been received by the Enrollment Services Office. Some courses may require a minimum score of 4 for AP credit to be granted. Contact the Enrollment Services Office for current information.

AP课程介绍 MT Tech Equivalent Min. Score # Credits Received
AB Calculus M 142 or M 171 3 3
AB Calculus SUB M 142 or M 171 3 3
BC Calculus M 171 3 3
BC Calculus M 171 & M 172 5 3,3
Biology BIOB 160/161 3 4
Chemistry CHMY 141 & CHMY 143 4 3,3
Chemistry CHMY 141 3 3
Computer Science A CSCI 135 3 3
Computer Science AB CSCI 135 & CSCI 136 4 3,3
计算机科学杂志. CSCI 102 3 3
English (Literature) WRIT 101 & LIT 126 3 3,3
English (Language) WRIT 101 3 3
环境科学 BIOE 185 3 3
European History HSTR 102 3 3
French FRCH 101 & FRCH 102 3 5,5
German GRMN 101 & GRMN 102 3 5,5
History (World) HSTR 101 3 3
Human Geography GPHY 121 3 3
Macroeconomics ECNS 202 3 3
Microeconomics ECNS 201 3 3
Physics 1 PHSX 121 3 4
Physics 2 PHSX 123 3 4
AP物理C:力学 PHSX 234 3 3
AP Physics C: Elect.&Mag PHSX 237 3 3
Psychology PSYX 100 3 3
Spanish SPNS 101 & SPNS 102 3 3,3
Statistics STAT 216 3 3
U.S. History HSTA 101 & HSTA 102 3 3,3
U.S. Govt. & Politics PSCI 210 3 3


Montana Tech will accept as transfer credit most Subject Examinations under the CLEP program. CLEP General Examinations will not be accepted for credit. See below for acceptable cut scores for CLEP Subject examinations.

CLEP考试成绩 蒙大拿技术当量 最低要求分数
American Literature 文学210 -美国文学1 50
分析和解读文献 LIT 112 or LIT 126 - Intro to Fiction/Poetry and Drama 50
College Composition 写作101 -大学写作1 50
大学作文模块 写作101 -大学写作1 50
English Literature 文学223 -英国文学 50
Humanities No Equivalent
Foreign Languages
French Language 法语101 -初级法语1 50
German Language GRMN 101 -初级德语1 50
Spanish Language SPNS 101 -初级西班牙语I 50
American Government No Equivalent
History of the United States I: Early Colonization to 1877 HSTA 101 -美国历史1 50
美国历史II: 1865年至今 hst102 -美国历史II 50
人的成长与发展 psyx230 -发展心理学 65
教育心理学概论 No Equivalent
宏观经济学原理 ECNS 202 -宏观经济学原理 50
微观经济学原理 ECNS 201 -微观经济学原理 50
心理学导论 PSYX 100 -心理学入门 50
介绍社会学 社会学101 -社会学入门 50
社会科学与历史 No Equivalent
西方文明1:古代近东至1648年 Humanities Elective 50
西方文明II: 1648年至今 Humanities Elective 50
Science and Math
Biology 生物学101 -发现生物学 50
Calculus M 171 - Calculus I 50
Chemistry No Equivalent - 见化学系
College Algebra m121 -大学代数 50
College Mathematics No Equivalent
Natural Sciences 自然科学选修课 50
Precalculus M 151 - Precalculus 50
Financial Accounting ACTG 201 -财务会计原理 50
信息系统和计算机应用 管理信息系统 50
商法导论 BGEN 235W -商业法1 50
管理学原理 管理和组织 50
市场营销原理 BMKT -市场营销原则 50


Montana Tech will accept as transfer credit the Higher Level (HL) 国际文凭(IB), 大学预备课程. Students will be required to submit a copy of their official lB transcript.

IB Exam Credits Course Equivalents
生物:4分或以上 4 BIOB 160/161
企业管理:4分或以上 3 BGEN 105
化学:4分或以上 3 CHMY 121
计算机科学:4分或以上 3 CSCI 102
舞蹈:4分或以上 3 Free Elective
设计技术:4分或以上 3 Free Elective
经济学:5分或以上 3 ECNS 203
电影:4分或以上 3 FILM 103
地理:4分或以上 3 Free Elective
全球政治:4分或以上 3 PSCI 230
历史:4分或以上 3 Humanities Elective
Information Technology in a Global Society: score of 4 or higher 3 社会科学选修课
Language A 文学(含英语):4分或以上 3 LIT 110
Language A Lang & 文学(含英语):4分或以上 6 WRIT 101 & LIT 110
语言B(法语):4-5分 3 FRCH 101
语言B(法语):6-7分 6 FRCH 101 & FRCH 102
语言B(西班牙语):4-5分 3 SPNS 101
语言B(西班牙语):6-7分 6 SPNS 101 & 102
数学:分析与方法:4-5分 3 M 171
数学:分析与方法:6-7分 6 M 171 and M 172
Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation: score of 4 or higher 6 M 142 and STAT 216
音乐:4分或以上 3 Humanities Elective
哲学:4分或以上 3 Humanities Elective
物理:4分或以上 3 Science Elective
心理学:4分或以上 3 PSYX 100
Social & 文化人类学:4分或以上 3 社会科学选修课
Sport, Exercise, & 健康科学:4分或以上 3 Free Elective
戏剧:4分或以上 3 Free Elective
视觉艺术:4分或以上 3 Free Elective
世界宗教:4分或以上 3 Humanities Elective


At Montana Tech, we love veterans, and work to help them get every credit possible from their previous experience serving our country. Send us your Joint Service transcript or DSST exam scores. Military training and education is evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE) for college credit.  Air Force students should also provide their regionally accredited Community College of the Air Force (CCAF or Air University) transcripts.  All evaluated military training and education credit recommendations will be reviewed by institutions to honor applicable credit toward specific degrees and credential requirements based on the student’s academic goals.


Students are encouraged to submit UExcel transcripts for a course-by-course evaluation. 请联系招生服务进行评估.

Other methods 

学习更多其他获得学分的方法, 包括挑战考试或学分组合, click here. 


Official transcripts can be mailed in a sealed envelope from the testing agency to 香港西公园街1300号 Butte, MT, 59701. If you have an unofficial transcript you would like evaluated, 将你的请求发送给招生办公室, or schedule a visit. 

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We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Admissions Office
(406) 496-4791